The Prez Sez…
Last Chance
With my toy restoration hobby, I think some of the projects I have done where at their “last chance”. A current project is a Buddy L Greyhound Bus about 16 inches long, manufactured in the 1940’s. When this was new, it had a wind up key which tightened a spring (now broken) to propel it forward. A bell would ring (now broken) and the door would open when it stopped. A ‘D’ size flashlight battery would also light a red flashlight bulb when stopping (now broken).
With all the rusted, broken, and missing parts, can I get it working again? Perhaps someone, somewhere, would take on the challenge. However, I have come to the realization, I am not the guy. I will do proper paint, decals, and make missing exterior parts. On the display shelf, it will look like its former self.
We recently had an officer/ board of directors meeting and along with discussion at our regular November meeting, the consensus is Willmar Car Club is looking at a challenge finding officers and continuing on with our State Statute regarding Nonprofit Organizations. The point of this writing is: Willmar Car Club is facing it’s last chance to continue as it has since 1983. If we do not have a full slate of officers elected in December, changes in 2025 may happen. However, just like my bus project, things are not going to look much different. We will still gather for breakfast, we will still have our “club spot” at A&W cruise night, we will still have garage tours and outings. Most importantly, the many friendships created by Willmar Car Club will continue.
So, what will change? Our ‘group’ will not be handling any money, no dues. Money now in our ac-count will go to Ridgewater College to fund scholarships for many years. More on that, if it happens. No officers. No proper meetings and no by-laws. If needed in early 2025, current officers and board members will determine all the details and a letter in writing will be mailed to all members for the purpose of voting on the proposal. This is in accordance with the Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation Act.
And again, we will still look like our former self.
On a lighter note, mark your calendar for Saturday, December 14th. Our December Holiday Buffet and meeting at the Kandiyohi County Historical Society Building. Be sure to get your RSVP in for the catered Roasted Chicken/ Ham Buffet at $10.00 per person, with the club picking up the balance of the cost. Check the details found in this newsletter.
Hope to see you on the 14th!
~ Bob
NOTE from the Webmaster: This site will be moved during the week of December 30, 2024 – January 3, 2025, to a new hosting vendor, and may not be available during that period.
See all issues of our monthly newsletter, “The Polishing Rag”, here.
2024 – September Polishing Rag
2024 – April Polishing Rag (not available)